Wearing sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays has been drilled into us since birth.
But wait! What if you need to use your sunscreen with your makeup? What then?
We reckon that leaving home without the essentials such as foundation and mascara is a big no-no, but we also recognise you might not have known how to blend it with your sunscreen.
That’s where we come in with this blog that we think will be a huge help the next time you wander outside into the sun again.
It’s worth noting that not only do high-quality sunscreens act as anti-ageing skincare products, but it has been proven that they can reduce the risk of melanoma, one of the more common types of cancer.
This blog will discuss the various things you’ll need to be aware of to ensure you can apply your sunscreen without interfering with your amazing makeup.
SPF Moisturiser or Facial Sunscreen?
If you do happen to use a moisturiser, then make sure it has sunscreen ingredients included. There are a number of formulas available on the market that will suit just about everyone’s skin type and preference.
Are you looking for a little bit of colour? Try a tinted moisturiser. Perhaps you’re prone to acne? We’d recommend trying an oil-free product.
Regardless, if you’re using a moisturiser for sun protection, it should have an SPF 15 or higher and include the words “broad spectrum” which means it can protect you against UV rays.
Now, if you prefer using a sunscreen then ensure it’s formulated specifically for the face. They tend to be lighter than usual sunscreens and are often designed to go underneath makeup products.
If you do prefer a facial sunscreen over a tinted moisturiser, be sure to include a primer with hydrating properties.
Once you’ve finished cleansing your face in the morning, apply your preferred tinted moisturiser or facial sunscreen. The most important areas to apply are the tip of your nose, and ears and neck, which are usually prone to sun damage.
Does Foundation Work Too?
Absolutely it does. Much like a moisturiser, opt for a foundation that contains an SPF of 15 or higher.
When looking for this particular foundation or BB cream, be sure to look for products that come with at least 5 percent zinc oxide. It’s optimal for sun protection since it reflects UV rays off the skin.
The Final Touches
After adding in all those final touches such as blush, bronzer and highlighters, be sure to set your makeup with a finishing powder or setting spray that also includes sunscreen related ingredients.
When you want to reapply throughout the day, we suggest using a powdered sunscreen in addition to your foundation.
And that’s it! You’ll now be able to go about your day without having to worry about those harmful rays damaging your skin or running your makeup.